
Switch Bounce Tutorials


Switch Bounce

Microcontrolers may not in Human thinking frequency .Human thinking frequency is lies in some of low Hz .  Microcontroler works variety range of frequency ie ,12Mhz,20 Mhz etc .  In a push Button  micro controller interfacing, Human and Micro controller are feels that whether the push is pressed or not  in different way as follows in the graph .

Some small duration pulse due to denounce generated as multiple touch error
Hardware solution
It can be made by a resistor and a capacitor in the following manner or any other for comfortable

When ever the switch is pressed the capacitor will charge  rapidly ,practically the first charge wil be across  the  ,capacitor ,

So we can avoid the denouncing effect .

The capacitor and the resistor will be select in accordance with time constant . as follows

For more information go here

Will be update 

Switch Bounce Tutorials


Switch Bounce

Microcontrolers may not in Human thinking frequency .Human thinking frequency is lies in some of low Hz .  Microcontroler works variety range of frequency ie ,12Mhz,20 Mhz etc .  In a push Button  micro controller interfacing, Human and Micro controller are feels that whether the push is pressed or not  in different way as follows in the graph .

Some small duration pulse due to denounce generated as multiple touch error
Hardware solution
It can be made by a resistor and a capacitor in the following manner or any other for comfortable

When ever the switch is pressed the capacitor will charge  rapidly ,practically the first charge wil be across  the  ,capacitor ,

So we can avoid the denouncing effect .

The capacitor and the resistor will be select in accordance with time constant . as follows

For more information go here

Will be update 


Working of  74HC138 IC

               74HC138 is a decoder of the type octal 3- to- 8 Line Decoder / Demulator and Inverter.
The chip enables 3 pins - A, B and C - to output 8-bit , meaning that decodes three address lines in 8 possible ways . Simple, with 3 input bits to form 8 Address : 2 3 = 8; See the truth table:

An address decoder is also called a " demultiplexer " or " demux " . Although these terms are more generic and can refer to devices other than decoders addresses, TTL 74138 mentioned here can be called " demux 3- to -8" .
Decoders addresses are fundamental building blocks for systems using bus bars. They are represented in all families of integrated circuits and all the standard libraries FPGA and ASIC . They are discussed in introductory texts in digital logic design


Working of  74HC138 IC

               74HC138 is a decoder of the type octal 3- to- 8 Line Decoder / Demulator and Inverter.
The chip enables 3 pins - A, B and C - to output 8-bit , meaning that decodes three address lines in 8 possible ways . Simple, with 3 input bits to form 8 Address : 2 3 = 8; See the truth table:

An address decoder is also called a " demultiplexer " or " demux " . Although these terms are more generic and can refer to devices other than decoders addresses, TTL 74138 mentioned here can be called " demux 3- to -8" .
Decoders addresses are fundamental building blocks for systems using bus bars. They are represented in all families of integrated circuits and all the standard libraries FPGA and ASIC . They are discussed in introductory texts in digital logic design

Making multiple input by 3 wire Interfacing .

Parallel to serial  Interfacing with Micro controller 

Interfacing with 74HC165 with 8051

   I am trying to make multiple input with using minimum input port of micro controller ,ie 3 wire .
By using a 3 wire we can interface more input as we wish.

 I am making a tutorial for it , Basics of 74HC165  which is a parallel to serial shift register .


Only three pin is connected with this IC . 
1)   SH/LD  or PL  is used load  parallel data to the IC .A low pulse (ground) is applied for store the         parallel data at the pin from A to H . And a High (5 Volt) is applied to stop the reading from the          PIN A to H .
2) Then to read the loaded or saved data to Micro controller we have to give clock to the PIN 2 of           74HC165  (CLK) . 8 pulses is applied to read 8 bit (Pin A to B)

3) QH / SO . serial out pin is used to get the stored parallel data to serially.

The CLK INH pin must be connect in ground for enable clock.

    To use cascaded 74HC165 for increasing i/p .connect the Seriall output pin (PIN 9) of first satge into serial input of first stage see the following circuit.

see the code below

#include "lcd.h"
sbit PL = P1^0; // Loading parallel data to HC165.
sbit CLK = P1^1; // Clock pulse to HC165.
sbit Beep = P1^2; //
sbit data_in = P1^3;

void clock(void);
void display(unsigned char value);

void main()
unsigned char position ,no_of_ip = 17;
string(" gElectron");

PL = 0 ;
PL = 1;

for(position = 1; no_of_ip > position; position++ , clock())

if(data_in == 1)


void clock(void)
CLK = 1;
CLK = 0;


void display(unsigned int value)
unsigned int a[1];
Beep = 1;
string("Pressed key ");
Beep = 0;


Download the whle file here github.

Making multiple input by 3 wire Interfacing .

Parallel to serial  Interfacing with Micro controller 

Interfacing with 74HC165 with 8051

   I am trying to make multiple input with using minimum input port of micro controller ,ie 3 wire .
By using a 3 wire we can interface more input as we wish.

 I am making a tutorial for it , Basics of 74HC165  which is a parallel to serial shift register .


Only three pin is connected with this IC . 
1)   SH/LD  or PL  is used load  parallel data to the IC .A low pulse (ground) is applied for store the         parallel data at the pin from A to H . And a High (5 Volt) is applied to stop the reading from the          PIN A to H .
2) Then to read the loaded or saved data to Micro controller we have to give clock to the PIN 2 of           74HC165  (CLK) . 8 pulses is applied to read 8 bit (Pin A to B)

3) QH / SO . serial out pin is used to get the stored parallel data to serially.

The CLK INH pin must be connect in ground for enable clock.

    To use cascaded 74HC165 for increasing i/p .connect the Seriall output pin (PIN 9) of first satge into serial input of first stage see the following circuit.

see the code below

#include "lcd.h"  
sbit PL  = P1^0;   // Loading parallel data to HC165.
sbit CLK = P1^1;   // Clock pulse to HC165.
sbit Beep  = P1^2;   // 
sbit data_in  = P1^3;

  void clock(void);
  void display(unsigned char value);
void main()
 unsigned char position ,no_of_ip = 17;
  string("   gElectron");     

      PL = 0 ;
  PL = 1;

   for(position = 1; no_of_ip > position; position++ , clock())
    if(data_in == 1)


 void clock(void)
   CLK = 1;
   CLK = 0;


void display(unsigned int value)
  unsigned int a[1];
    Beep =   1;
    string("Pressed key ");
     Beep = 0;

Download the whle file here github.

Google Photo Backup


        Google lunched a New application called Google photos   where we can add our lime time photos with each album with geo tagging location . google app automatically upload the photos and with our location . So we can see the photos including the location where was the photo taken .
The great advantage is that who is suffering with low memory mobile ,but they need to upload their photos accordingly , use the Google photo application sync with it. After syncing the photos we can delete the photos from the mobile .It delete only from the mobile and available on the net ever .

* It can easily share on social network
* It can be see Monthly view ,day view and more

 A geotaging location shown in the album cover . The photos automatically created while travelling.and tagged with the location


Google Photo Backup


        Google lunched a New application called Google photos   where we can add our lime time photos with each album with geo tagging location . google app automatically upload the photos and with our location . So we can see the photos including the location where was the photo taken .
The great advantage is that who is suffering with low memory mobile ,but they need to upload their photos accordingly , use the Google photo application sync with it. After syncing the photos we can delete the photos from the mobile .It delete only from the mobile and available on the net ever .

* It can easily share on social network
* It can be see Monthly view ,day view and more

 A geotaging location shown in the album cover . The photos automatically created while travelling.and tagged with the location


Microcontroller Based ammeter and voltmeter using Atmega 16

Here  Atmega16  measuring the  current and voltage by inbuilt comparator  .Previous post described how to read ADC value click here . Two  ADC port is used  PA0/ADC0  is  measuring voltage .And PA1/ADC1 is  measuring current .

For Advancedtutorials click here Voltmeter Design

                We have to measure 0 to 12 volt, but controller can only read as maximum voltage 5 volt .
Hence a voltage divider circuit used to reduce the corresponding voltage level  at a mximum 5Volt.

Vin  = 12volt
Vout = 5 volt.
Assume one of the resistor value and find out the other .
  we have to measure current ,But we cant directly measure the current . there are more technique to measure the current. we uses a shunt resistor method .
The millivoltmeter voltage is taken and calculated by some equation and displayed as current .for more click here

For example .
According Ohm's law,  0.1 Ohm resistor under 1A current will give 0.1V voltage drop

                                             The program shown below
* Created: 14-Oct-15 6:44:15 PM
* Author: Gireesh
#define F_CPU 16000000UL
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "adc.h"

int main(void)


unsigned char volt[5] ,current[5];
DDRD = 0xFF;
int v,i;
char ch_sec =0;
string ("G Electron ");
string("Power Supply");

v = read_adc(0); // reading voltage
i = read_adc(1); // reading voltage for current
v = (v * 4.89 * 2.4)/10;
i = (i * 2.92);
i = ((i*4.89)/0.47)/10;

if(v< 1200)
volt[0] = ((v /1000)%10)+0x30;
volt[1] = ((v /100) % 10) + 0x30;
volt[2] = '.';
volt[3] = ((v/ 10) %10) + 0x30;
volt[4] = (v % 10) + 0x30 ;

string("Volt : ");
for(int i =0; i<5;i++)
lcd_data(volt[i]); // just displaying ADC value

string("Over Voltage");
current[0] =((i /1000)%10)+0x30;
current[1] = '.';
current[2] = ((i /100) % 10) + 0x30;
current[3] = ((i/ 10) %10) + 0x30;
string("Current : ");
for(int i =0; i<4;i++)

string("Over Current");
design circuits to feed controller for current and Volt. the whole project can be download Below including proteus file For downloading click below

Microcontroller Based ammeter and voltmeter using Atmega 16

Here  Atmega16  measuring the  current and voltage by inbuilt comparator  .Previous post described how to read ADC value click here . Two  ADC port is used  PA0/ADC0  is  measuring voltage .And PA1/ADC1 is  measuring current .

For Advancedtutorials click here Voltmeter Design

                We have to measure 0 to 12 volt, but controller can only read as maximum voltage 5 volt .
Hence a voltage divider circuit used to reduce the corresponding voltage level  at a mximum 5Volt.

Vin  = 12volt
Vout = 5 volt.
Assume one of the resistor value and find out the other .
  we have to measure current ,But we cant directly measure the current . there are more technique to measure the current. we uses a shunt resistor method .
The millivoltmeter voltage is taken and calculated by some equation and displayed as current .for more click here

For example .
According Ohm's law,  0.1 Ohm resistor under 1A current will give 0.1V voltage drop

                                             The program shown below
* Created: 14-Oct-15 6:44:15 PM
 *  Author: Gireesh 
#define F_CPU 16000000UL
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "adc.h"

int main(void)
 unsigned char volt[5] ,current[5];
   DDRD = 0xFF;
   int v,i;
   char ch_sec =0;
 string ("G Electron ");
 string("Power Supply");
   v =   read_adc(0);  // reading voltage    
   i =   read_adc(1);  // reading voltage for current  
   v = (v * 4.89 * 2.4)/10;
   i = (i * 2.92);
   i = ((i*4.89)/0.47)/10;
   if(v< 1200)
   volt[0] = ((v /1000)%10)+0x30;
   volt[1] = ((v /100) % 10) + 0x30;
   volt[2] = '.';
   volt[3] = ((v/ 10) %10) + 0x30;
   volt[4] = (v % 10) + 0x30 ;
   string("Volt    : ");
   for(int i =0; i<5;i++)
  lcd_data(volt[i]); // just displaying ADC value 
   string("Over Voltage");
 current[0] =((i /1000)%10)+0x30;
 current[1] = '.';
 current[2] = ((i /100) % 10) + 0x30;
 current[3] = ((i/ 10) %10) + 0x30;
 string("Current : ");
 for(int i =0; i<4;i++)
  string("Over Current");
design circuits to feed controller for current and Volt. the whole project can be download Below including proteus file For downloading click below

ADC Reading With Internal Adc Of AVR - Atemga 32 And Displaying On LCD


Download HereADC Reading With Internal Adc Of  AVR - Atemga 32 And Displaying On LCD

According to data sheet there are 3 registers are used to works the ADC in AVR atmega 32 
ie , 


1) ADMUX :-

 It is an 8 bit Register ,each bit has some functions as follows 

REFS1 & REFS0 :- is used for the reference Voltage  with respect to our analog input (for resolution)  to know more search this blog.
I am giving 5volt as reference so selected REFS1 = 0 & REFS0 = 1

ADMUX=(1<<REFS0); // AVcc with external capacitor at AREF  ,giving a high to REFS0.

MUX0-MUX4  :- it is used to select the input channel ,ie 8  analog input channel can be given so desired one selection by giving appropriate value .
  ADLAR : - used to shift the resulted data (ADC Value) left or right .I am using right shift so makes as low.

2) ADSCR :-  ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0);

It is also an 8 bit register .

Bit 7 used to ADC ON (ADC Turn ONing by applying a high bit )
Bit6 ADSC is used to start the conversion .and still maintain it value as high  up to the conversion . after conversion it becomes low (Zero)
ADATE and ADIF is not used by me now .(not by using Intruppet
Bit 0 to bit2  is used for select ADC frequency . 

2) ADC: It is a 16 bit to 8 bit register ADCL & ADCH. By applying right shift value it is autmatically set as normal value so we can take simple value from it

 eg :  return (ADC);
 adc_value = read_adc(ch_sec); 

The program as follows . The full program can be download below including Proteus simulation file.

ADC Reading With Internal Adc Of AVR - Atemga 32 And Displaying On LCD


Download HereADC Reading With Internal Adc Of  AVR - Atemga 32 And Displaying On LCD

According to data sheet there are 3 registers are used to works the ADC in AVR atmega 32 
ie , 


1) ADMUX :-

 It is an 8 bit Register ,each bit has some functions as follows 

REFS1 & REFS0 :- is used for the reference Voltage  with respect to our analog input (for resolution)  to know more search this blog.
I am giving 5volt as reference so selected REFS1 = 0 & REFS0 = 1

ADMUX=(1<<REFS0); // AVcc with external capacitor at AREF  ,giving a high to REFS0.

MUX0-MUX4  :- it is used to select the input channel ,ie 8  analog input channel can be given so desired one selection by giving appropriate value .
  ADLAR : - used to shift the resulted data (ADC Value) left or right .I am using right shift so makes as low.

2) ADSCR :-  ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0);

It is also an 8 bit register .

Bit 7 used to ADC ON (ADC Turn ONing by applying a high bit )
Bit6 ADSC is used to start the conversion .and still maintain it value as high  up to the conversion . after conversion it becomes low (Zero)
ADATE and ADIF is not used by me now .(not by using Intruppet
Bit 0 to bit2  is used for select ADC frequency . 

2) ADC: It is a 16 bit to 8 bit register ADCL & ADCH. By applying right shift value it is autmatically set as normal value so we can take simple value from it

 eg :  return (ADC);
 adc_value = read_adc(ch_sec); 

The program as follows . The full program can be download below including Proteus simulation file.

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