
Transformer Design Basics


Transformer Design Basics

                          Part 1.
Inverter Transformer ,stepUp transformer ,Step Down Transformer Desgin
            Here trying  provide some basics of transformer design and its tutorials with  series of parts[posts] . Part 1 provide the basics steps.

Design Consideration

1. Power Rating
First we require what rate of transformer we require ,Here we need to decide which rate for example 1000Va ,1500va etc . 

 2.Step Down / Step Up Transformer
Here you should decide what type of transformer you required ,ie Is it step down / Step Up ?
It means that you decide the voltages of primary and secondary.Also decide  the Frequency.
 Eg: Primary -230V Secondary 12V Frequency 50Hz
2.Primary and Secondary Currents
Then You need to select the currents in each windings ie,Primary and Secondary winding.
Eg: if we selct 1000VA then the primary Current 1000/230=4.347.
       The Secondary volt is 12V 
       then Secondary Current is 1000/12 = 83.333  =84Ampere.

2.Primary and Secondary coils wire diameter/size
Next we need to decide the coil diameter .It can be only select from a calculation as each coil has its own capability of current .As shown the table 

2.Iorn Core Area 
Iron Core area is selected in according to how much rating or how much power has been required .
Eg ; if we require 1000VA core Area required 32.cm^2 .[calculation will be provide following          posts]
In according to How much core area we can select corresponding Bobbins .Because each type of Bobbins has their own Core Area . 
Some of Bobbins Table as follows

Details design will be Continue  


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