
16x2 LCD Interfacing with STM32,STM32F103C6

 16x2 LCD  Interfacing with STM32,STM32F103C6 lcd_init(); LCD_LINE1; lcd_String(" GeElectron"); LCD_LINE2; lcd_String(" Welcome"); /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOC,GPIO_PIN_13, GPIO_PIN_SET);// LCD Enable PIN to High HAL_Delay(500); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOC,GPIO_PIN_13, RESET); HAL_Delay(500); ...
The 16F877 is a microcontroller developed by Microchip Technology, which is capable of supporting the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) communication protocol. The SPI protocol is a synchronous serial communication protocol that allows devices to exchange data with each other. In order to use the SPI protocol with the 16F877 microcontroller, you need to follow these steps:Configure the SPI pins: The 16F877 has dedicated pins for SPI communication, which are RB0 (SS), RB1 (SDO), RB2 (SDI), and RB3 (SCK). You need to configure these pins as digital I/O pins and set their direction as input or output, depending on the functionality you want to implement.Configure the SPI module: The 16F877 has an SPI module that can be configured using the SPBRG...

OLED Interface with PIC16f877A by using SPI Communication

To interface an OLED display with SPI using a PIC16F877A microcontroller, you can follow these general steps: Choose an OLED display that supports SPI communication. Make sure to read the datasheet and understand how to communicate with the display using SPI. Configure the SPI module of the PIC16F877A. The PIC16F877A has a built-in SPI module that can be configured to work in Master mode. You will need to set the appropriate registers to configure the SPI module, such as the SSPCON register. Write a software program to communicate with the OLED display. This program should send commands and data to the display using the SPI module of the PIC16F877A. The program will need to follow the communication protocol specified in the OLED display...

PWM sinewave generation Using for pic16f877a

To generate a PWM sine wave using a PIC16F877A microcontroller, you can use the following steps: 1)Configure the Timer2 module of the PIC16F877A microcontroller to generate a PWM signal. The PWM frequency can be set by configuring the PR2 register and the duty cycle can be set by configuring the CCPR1L and CCP1CON registers. 2)Generate a sine wave lookup table using a spreadsheet software or an online tool. The lookup table should contain the sine values for one cycle of the wave, ranging from 0 to 2π. 3)Store the sine wave lookup table in the program memory of the microcontroller. 4) Set up a Timer1 module of the PIC16F877A microcontroller to generate interrupts at a frequency that is equal to the desired frequency of the sine...

dsPIC33 PWM Controlls iin accordance with ADC value

              dsPIC33 PWM Controlls iin accordance with ADC value&nbs...

dsPIC33 PWM Controlls iin accordance with ADC value

              dsPIC33 PWM Controlls iin accordance with ADC value&nbs...

Attemt to Access Keyboard

* main.c * * Created on: Aug 12, 2017 * Author: thannara123 #include#define FALSE 0#define TRUE 1 // 0r //!FALSEstruct menu { char menu_up_key; char menu_down_key; char menu_enter_key :1; // bit feild 1 bit };struct menu s1= {0}; //s1.menu_up-key =1;void struct_1( struct menu,const char *menu_display[]);int main(){ const char *menu_display[10]; menu_display[0] = "Menu0"; menu_display[1] = "Menu1"; menu_display[2] = "Menu2"; menu_display[3] = "Menu3"; ...

Attemt to Access Keyboard

* main.c * * Created on: Aug 12, 2017 * Author: thannara123 #include #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 // 0r //!FALSE struct menu { char menu_up_key; char menu_down_key; char menu_enter_key :1; // bit feild 1 bit }; struct menu s1= {0}; //s1.menu_up-key =1; void struct_1( struct menu,const char *menu_display[]); int main() { const char *menu_display[10]; menu_display[0] = "Menu0"; menu_display[1] = "Menu1"; menu_display[2] = "Menu2"; ...


Setting up A Transformer in ProteusThe calculation Formula is  L1/L2 = (V1/V2)^2For Example: Design for 6 Volt input ,230volt 50Hz Not considered wattage just for simulation.            Assign L1 = 1H (but 1henry expectable for a 10 or 20 kW transformer)        Then L2 = 1/(230/6)^2                       = 680.5293micro Henrymo...


Setting up A Transformer in Proteus The calculation Formula is  L1/L2 = (V1/V2)^2 For Example: Design for 6 Volt input ,230volt 50Hz Not considered wattage just for simulation.             Assign L1 = 1H (but 1henry expectable for a 10 or 20 kW transformer)         Then L2 = 1/(230/6)^2                        = 680.5293micro Henry more ...

Atmeag8 /AVR based Voltmeter

Tutorial for Atmeag8 /AVR based Voltmeter               It measures the Ac voltage and shows readings in RMS value.Basics Of AC signal The AC signal ,its amplitude varying in accordance with time. In india AC frequency is 50Hz.Then the Time period one full cycle ,          T = 1/frequency   T = 1/50Hz = .002second                      = 20milli Second ...

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16x2 LCD Interfacing with STM32,STM32F103C6

 16x2 LCD  Interfacing with STM32,STM32F103C6 lcd_init(); LCD_LINE1; lcd_String(" GeElectron"); LCD_LINE2; lc...

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